Royalston Station
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Key station features
Cultural destination
Employment area
Health and wellness destination
Heritage, arts and culture
Important trail connections
Significant public art opportunity
Transit interchange
Urban villages
Read about station features
Station overview
Royalston Station brings you to the edge of everything downtown has to offer. The station is located within walking distance of the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market, Target Field and Fulton Brewery, as well as the Hennepin Theatre District.
The surrounding area includes various government facilities and educational campuses, including Minneapolis Community and Technical College and Metropolitan State University. The sprawling mixed-income neighborhood of Heritage Park is also nearby.
Future development makes this a prime location for downtown-style residential and commercial developments with an industrial backdrop.
Investment framework for the station
The maps and plans below are included in the Royalston Transitional Station Area Action Plan (TSAAP), which can be found in the Southwest Corridor investment framework. Read the full investment framework.