Opus Station
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Key station features
Employment area
Green corridors, recreation and environment
Important trail connections
New transit business parks
Park and ride location
Read about station features
Station overview
Opus Station at Opus Business Park will connect to more than six miles of pedestrian and bicycle trails that are completely separated from the roadway, providing a park-like setting for local businesses. The station is located at the center of a major employment center that is home to more than 12,000 jobs from the real estate, health care, medical device and technology industries. Opus, UnitedHealth Group, American Medical Systems and Comcast are some of the many corporations that have chosen to have offices here.
The surrounding area also includes multifamily apartments and condominiums in residential communities.
Investment framework for the station
The maps and plans below are included in the Opus Transitional Station Area Action Plan (TSAAP), which can be found in the Southwest Corridor investment framework. Read the full investment framework.